Exercise Physiology Concentration

Exercise Physiology Concentration

The Exercise Physiology Concentration has two tracks. The Applied Track is a comprehensive curriculum which prepares students for pursuing advanced health-related degrees (i.e. PT, PA, Nursing, MD, Ph.D.) as well as employment following graduation. Students are educated in both applied (i.e. stress testing, EKG interpretation, exercise prescription) and research-oriented (i.e. thesis or non-thesis options) areas. Assistantships are available through the Human Performance Laboratory. The Research Track involves the student working with a research mentor on a specific project with class scheduling catered to the future plans of the student; assistantships are available through the mentor selected.

Associated Faculty:

Picture of Joseph Houmard
Joseph Houmard
Professor and Concentration Coordinator
Picture of Ronald Cortright
Ronald Cortright
Picture of Donghai Zheng
Donghai Zheng
Teaching Associate Professor

Picture of Hu Huang
Hu Huang
Associate Professor
Picture of Nicholas Broskey
Nicholas Broskey
Assistant Professor
Picture of Chuck Tanner
Chuck Tanner
Teaching Instructor

Picture of Bhibha Das
Bhibha Das
Associate Professor
Picture of Allison Davidson
Allison Davidson
Teaching Instructor
Picture of Linda May
Linda May

Associated Labs:

Human Performance Laboratory


Please click here for the program course catalog entry.

Career Opportunities:

Students graduating from both the applied and research tracks primarily pursue advanced degrees in health-related fields such as Physical Therapy, Physicians Assistant, Nursing, Medical School as well as a Ph.D. in a related discipline. Students graduating from the applied track also obtain jobs in cardiac rehabilitation centers, fitness facilities, university settings conducting exercise research, and pharmaceutical companies.