KINE Faculty

Kinesiology - Faculty Directory
Picture of Anthony Kulas
Anthony Kulas
Associate Professor/Interim Chair

Google Scholar Profile

Picture of Allison Bartlett
Allison Bartlett
Teaching Instructor

Picture of Jenna Bilancia
Jenna Bilancia
Teaching Instructor
Picture of Nicholas Broskey
Nicholas Broskey
Assistant Professor

Research Interests/Vitae

Picture of Ronald Cortright
Ronald Cortright


Picture of Julie Cox
Julie Cox
Teaching Instructor
Picture of Bhibha Das
Bhibha Das
Associate Professor
Picture of David Dawson
David Dawson
Teaching Instructor



Picture of Clint Etheridge
Clint Etheridge
Teaching Instructor
Picture of Lisa Frederickson
Lisa Frederickson
Program Coordinator for Exercise Physiology - BS

Picture of Dave Kemble
Dave Kemble
Program Coordinator for Health Fitness Specialist - BS

Research Interests/Vitae

Picture of Linda May
Linda May
Associate Professor

Picture of Amber McEachern
Amber McEachern
Lifetime Physical Activity and Fitness Coordinator

Picture of Jeffrey Pizzutilla
Jeffrey Pizzutilla
Program Coordinator for Physical Education - BS

Research Interests/Vitae

Picture of Patrick Rider
Patrick Rider
Instructor/Assistant Chair

Google Scholar Profile

Picture of Joseph Stock
Joseph Stock
Assistant Professor

Picture of Chuck Tanner
Chuck Tanner
Teaching Instructor

Google Scholar Profile

Picture of Donghai Zheng
Donghai Zheng
Teaching Associate Professor