IDMR Faculty Directory

Interior Design and Merchandising - Faculty Directory


Picture of Amanda Muhammad
Amanda Muhammad
Professor & Chair
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising

Research Interests/Vitae

Picture of Marina Alexander
Marina Alexander
Associate Professor
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising
Picture of Tiffany Blanchflower
Tiffany Blanchflower
Assistant Professor
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising

Research Interests/Vitae

Picture of Runying Chen
Runying Chen
Associate Professor
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising
Picture of Charles Gustina
Charles Gustina
Associate Professor
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising
Picture of Jesus Nieves
Jesus Nieves
Teaching Asst Professor
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising

Picture of Nadia Thompson
Nadia Thompson
Admin Support Associate
Interior Dsgn and Merchandising