About HHP Advising

HHP Advising - About



Academic Advising Services in the College of Health and Human Performance provides students with information, guidance, and support as they pursue their educational goals. Our services include assisting students with declaring their major, changing majors, class registration, assisting with schedule revisions and providing advice on other academic related matters. The College of Health and Human Performance Advising Center located in 140 Rivers Building can be reached by calling 252-328-4645 or by emailing hhpadvising@ecu.edu.

Advising Process

Do I have to meet with my Advisor every semester?

In most cases the answer is yes. This is because you must meet or consult with your advisor about your proposed schedule. Prior to registration, each undergraduate student develops a schedule containing no more than 18 hours of primary courses and a list of alternate courses (each summer session cannot exceed seven hours of courses). Once this has been reviewed by student and advisor, the advisor provides a pin number that the student then uses to register for classes. This pin number is different each semester.