Center for Biofeedback
The Department of Recreation Sciences’ Center for Biofeedback provides professional development and collaboration opportunities for aspiring and current practitioners to become advanced clinicians and researchers in the areas of biofeedback, health games, and virtual reality. Personnel associated with the Center for Biofeedback develop mobile health technology products and services designed to measure and improve physiological, emotional, and cognitive performance.
What is Biofeedback? Biofeedback is a treatment technique whereby people learn to balance their nervous system by using signals from their own bodies. Therapists using biofeedback as a treatment tool can train people to alter brain activity, blood pressure, heart rate, and other body functions that are often thought to be involuntary. As an example, Recreational Therapists can use biofeedback to help tense and anxious clients learn how to relax.
Student Research Opportunities
Faculty and students from multiple disciplines such as addiction and rehabilitation counseling, marriage and family medical therapy, nursing, kinesiology, psychology, engineering, computer science, graphic design, and medicine cluster around research projects ranging from the development of battlefield assessment and treatment devices to biofeedback video games and virtual reality interventions.
Research is a cornerstone of the Center for Biofeedback and essential in providing a comprehensive education. The center is immersed in a number of research studies with the Department of Defense and private industry. Examples of these studies include The Stress Suspension study, development of a Mobile Naturalistic Neurocognitive Assessment, The Effectiveness of a Biofeedback Training Program in Improving Autonomic Nervous System Performance (marksmanship study), Development of a Mobile TeleHealth System (The Mobile Telehealth project) and A Comparison of the Efficacy of Casual Video Games and Antidepressant Medications in Reducing Symptoms of Depression (Casual Video Game Study).
Students interested in working with the faculty and staff in the Center for Biofeedback should email for additional information.
Community Outreach and Services
The Center for Biofeedback offers community outreach programs and services. To date, many efforts have been associated with Wounded Warriors. As the Center grows, we are participating and hosting a broader range of activities.
Community Outreach programs have included:
Recreational programming arranged for Wounded Warriors. These activities are used to build resiliency and help develop transition skills
- USMC Wounded Warrior fly fishing trips,
- Outdoor adventure trip at Feather Creek Farms,
Participation in Events supporting Wounded Warriors.
- USMC marathon in Washington D.C.
Participation in Professional/Academic Conferences
–Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Conference
–Heart Rate Variability Institute
Associated Academic Curriculum and Professional Development
Center for Biofeedback Personnel participate as instructors and mentors in academic program offerings. The academic program offerings that current personnel associate with are listed below.
–Biofeedback Certificate Program
Offered by the Department of Recreation Sciences, the Biofeedback Certificate is a graduate certificate designed for students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program and wish to complete the coursework that meets BCIA certification requirements. This coursework includes 6 semester hours of biofeedback and 6 semester hours of approved supportive course work. Students must apply for this certificate program through ECU’s Graduate School.
–Biofeedback 42-Hour Didactic Education Program (BCIA Approved)
–Heart Rate Variability 16-Hour Certificate Program (BCIA Approved)
Affiliated Faculty and Friends of the Center for Biofeedback
Affiliated Faculty

Director, Center for Biofeedback In addition to serving as the Director of the Center for Biofeedback, Dr. Fish is an Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation Sciences. His areas of expertise include psychophysiology of recreational activities, stress management, casual video games, mobile technology FISHM@ECU.EDU
Affiliate Members
Friends of the Center for Biofeedback
Dr. Carmen Russoniello |
Board of Directors Member, Heart Rate Variability Institute
Dr. Russoniello is Professor Emeritus, and Founding Director of the Center for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and the Max Ray Joyner, Sr. Biofeedback Lab at East Carolina University. Dr. Russoniello is past president of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association and The Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. He has over 25 years of experience in HRV research, (casual video games and depression) biofeedback (PTSD in returning combat veterans) and HRV software and product development.