Performance Optimization Lab

Performance Optimization Lab

The mission of the Performance Optimization Laboratory (POL) is to help all people perform at their best.

Human performance optimization is translational across many populations and tissue states (healthy, diseased, and injured). Sport performance of athletes, mission performance of our nation’s warfighters, performing activities of daily living in older adults, and restoring and optimizing function to individuals’ post-injury are all examples of where human performance optimization is needed.

The Performance Optimization Laboratory accomplishes its mission from a biomechanical perspective primarily, but is highly interdisciplinary and utilizes techniques and approaches from related fields such as neuroscience and physiology.

For more information about the lab, please visit the lab webpage here.

Student Research Opportunities

The Performance Optimization Lab has had many undergraduate and graduate student researchers throughout the years working on many projects. If you are interested in improving your research skills and learning more about biomechanics in the process, please contact us for research opportunities!

Lab Personnel

Picture of Zac Domire
Zac Domire
Performance Optimization Lab Director
Picture of Patrick Rider
Patrick Rider
Performance Optimization Lab Director of Sport Research
Picture of Anthony Kulas
Anthony Kulas
Associate Professor and Chair