HHP Wall of Fame


The HHP Wall of Fame recognizes and highlights the service of those to whom East Carolina University and the College of Health and Human Performance alumni and friends are most grateful. This recognition is displayed prominently in the Rivers Building on ECU’s campus on the Marvin and Joyce Johnson Wall of Fame and the Max Ray Joyner Sr. Wall of Fame.

Acknowledge Service

Whether a professor, colleague, advisor, or board member, the individual receiving nomination must be one whose service to the health and human performance profession had a decisive impact upon your life.

A minimum gift of $1,000 will secure a name inscribed with the name of the honoree. Honorees who are graduates of East Carolina will be identified with the university logo on their inscription.

What Your Gift Can Do
  • An individual or individual family gift of at least $1,000 ensures a place for the honoree on the Wall of Fame. In addition, this gift places the donor in the Chancellor’s Society for the fiscal year the gift was made.
  • An individual may also be honored by a group of people. The total amount of the group gift must be at least $1,000.
How to Make Your Gift

Gifts may be made to the HHP Wall of Fame via any mechanism available through University Advancement.

  • The preferred method is through an online gift. When making your gift online, be sure to write “Wall of Fame Nomination” and the honoree’s name in the Gift Instructions area.
  • If you would like to make a gift via check, please make the check out to ECU Foundation Inc. and include “Wall of Fame Nomination” and the honoree’s name in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to Office of Gift Records, Greenville Centre, Suite 1100, Mail Stop 301, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353
  • If you would like to make a gift via any of the other available options, please contact Mack Keenan, HHP Director of Outreach, 252-737-2026 or University Advancement.
Please join us in publicly recognizing influential professors, staff and friends of the College of Health and Human Performance.
You can nominate an individual by using the form below. Nominations for the Spring 2025 Wall of Fame event are due by February 1, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact Mack Keenan HHP Director of Outreach, at cravenma21@ecu.edu or (252) 737-2026.