Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab

Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab

Welcome to the Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab! The HBTRL conducts research projects examining health behaviors with an emphasis on substance use behaviors. Many of the projects in the HBTRL focus specifically on examination of tobacco use behaviors including emerging and alternative tobacco use behaviors such as electronic cigarette use/vaping and hookah/waterpipe tobacco smoking. The purpose of this lab is to conduct research that will inform prevention and policy efforts that can improve community health.

Current Research Projects

The Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab includes a variety of ongoing studies. You can read about each study below:

Black Health Blockā„¢ Quit and Screen Project Concept Mapping Study

Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to identify barriers that prevent health practitioners from advising African American and Black patients who smoke to quit smoking cessation and refer them to lung cancer screening services.

Study Details: In this research study, you will be asked to complete 3 tasks online (Parts 1-3 described below). You will be asked to fill out questions about yourself and describe barriers that you feel prevent health care practitioners from advising African American and Black patients who smoke to quit smoking cessation and referring them to lung cancer screening services. You will need to have a computer to access the study information.

Part 1 (Brainstorming) involves you providing statements that complete a focus prompt related to barriers that prevent health care practitioners from advising African American and Black patients who smoke to quit smoking cessation and referring them to lung cancer screening services. Part 2 (Sorting) involves a sorting task related to the statements from Brainstorming. You will be asked to categorize the statements from Brainstorming into groups of statements that are related to the same content, meaning, or theme. Part 3 (Rating) involves a rating task related to the statements from Brainstorming. You will be asked to rate the statements based on how much you agree that they are barriers that prevent practitioners from advising African American and Black patients who smoke to quit smoking cessation and barriers that prevent practitioners from referring African American and Black patients who smoke to lung cancer screening services.

Brainstorming will be conducted first. Sorting and Rating will be conducted together approximately two to three weeks after Brainstorming has been completed. We will contact you after completing Brainstorming to complete the Sorting and Rating tasks. If Brainstorming has been completed when you enroll in the study, you may be asked to only complete the participant questions and the Sorting and Rating tasks. Brainstorming will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Sorting will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete and Rating will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Depending on your circumstances, these tasks may take a little more or less time for you to complete.

Confidentiality: We will not tell anyone the answers you give us; however, information from the study may be included in research presentations or papers. Your responses may also help develop survey items designed to understand more about barriers to referring African American and Black patients who smoke to smoking cessation and lung cancer screening services. The responses will never be linked to you.

Interested in participating? Complete the screening questions to find out if you are eligible by clicking the link below.

Click to complete screening questions

Student Research Opportunities

There are multiple opportunities for students to get involved with conducting research and other activities with the HBTRL. Students will receive research mentorship and can contribute to ongoing projects in the HBTRL or student-initiated research projects. Are you interested in getting involved with research with the Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab? Contact Dr. Soule for more information.

HBTRL Contact Information

Health Behavior and Tobacco Research Lab Email:

Eric Soule
HBTRL Director
Assistant Professor
College of Health and Human Performance
East Carolina University
2306 Carol Belk Building