Why HHP is the place for you?

All of us here at HHP pride ourselves on success, both in and out of the classroom. Our students describe their professors and instructors as knowledgeable, caring, passionate, approachable, encouraging, compassionate, and helpful – just to name a few. This translates to student success. Over 92% of our students have expressed that they are happy in HHP and are likely to recommend their degree and program to friends and loved ones. We believe that this joy found in HHP stems from smaller and interactive classes that build relationships, hands on experiences such as internships and practicums, research opportunities, faculty-led study abroad trips, and student organizations within HHP.

Discover Your Future

College of Health and Human Performance


East Carolina University is committed to making education affordable.
One of the biggest factors for most students choosing a College or University to attend is cost. As the cost of attending College continues to rise at enormous rate, ECU has continues to be one of the least expensive four year Universities in the country.
At ECU, you can expect the following for tuition and fees and the undergraduate level:

  • NC Resident 2020-2021 Tuition and fees= $7,239
  • Non-Resident 2020-2021 Tuition and fees= $23,516

For full details on estimated cost of attendance, please click hereFinancial aid, scholarships, and student employment are available for all full-time ECU students.

At the graduate level, you can expect the following for tuitions and fees:

  • NC Resident 2020-2021 Tuition and Fees = $7,536
  • Non-Resident 2020-2021 Tuition and Fees = $20,685

A wide range of graduate assistantships, scholarships and other resources is available to help.

Subscribe to the Grad Funding mailing list:

  • Use only your ECU email address.
  • Address an email to listserv@listserv.ecu.edu
  • Do not put a subject line or a signature file.
  • Type the message: SUBSCRIBE Gradfunding-L FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
  • Replace FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME with your first and last names.
  • Send the email.

For full details on estimated cost of attendance, please click here