HDFS Faculty Directory

Human Development & Family Science - Faculty Directory


Picture of Sharon Ballard
Sharon Ballard
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Eboni Baugh
Eboni Baugh
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Carrie Bergeson
Carrie Bergeson
Assistant Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Susannah Berry
Susannah Berry
Teaching Assistant Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Sheresa Blanchard
Sheresa Blanchard
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Andy Brimhall
Andy Brimhall
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Priti Desai
Priti Desai
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Bernice Dodor
Bernice Dodor
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Kayla Fitzke
Kayla Fitzke
Assistant Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Alana Freeman
Alana Freeman
Teaching Instructor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Lisa Godwin
Lisa Godwin
Teaching Instructor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Archana Hegde
Archana Hegde
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Jake Jensen
Jake Jensen
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson
Asst Clin Dir/Therapist
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Mary Cate Komoski
Mary Cate Komoski
Assistant Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Angela Lamson
Angela Lamson
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Sandy Lookabaugh
Sandy Lookabaugh
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Jacquelyn Mallette
Jacquelyn Mallette
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Ashley Norris
Ashley Norris
Teaching Instructor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of LaToya Purvis
LaToya Purvis
Admin Support Associate
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Damon Rappleyea
Damon Rappleyea
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Erin Roberts
Erin Roberts
Clinical Instr/MFT Clinic Dir
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Jocelyn Ruffin
Jocelyn Ruffin
Teaching Instructor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Natalia Sira
Natalia Sira
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science

Picture of Alan Taylor
Alan Taylor
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Kelly Taylor
Kelly Taylor
DE Summer School
Human Develo and Family Science
Picture of Ruby Yeh
Ruby Yeh
Associate Professor
Human Develo and Family Science