HHP Pirate Profile - Alan Taylor

Name: Alan C. Taylor

Department: Human Development and Family Science

Affiliated Academic Program(s): Family and Community Services


What are your favorite course(s) you teach?

HDFS 4100 Study Abroad and HDFS 1103


Research Interests?

Grandfathering Involvement and Health; Young Adult Dating Relationships; International Family Life Education; Challenges for Students who are Parents.


Current projects?

Investigating the Needs of Parents who are Students on ECU’s Campus.


Outside of work, what are your favorite hobbies and/ or interests?

Coaching girls travel soccer; supporting my kids’ athletic events


What impact do study abroad trips have on your students?

I truly believe that participating in study abroad can be life changing. It opens students’ eyes to the world they live in. Some of my students have never been on an airplane and many have not traveled internationally. I find it so rewarding to see the expressions on my students’ faces as they explore historical sites or experience cultural activities that they had only previously learned about in textbooks.



Tell us a little about your book “Global Perspectives on Family Life Education”:

It was exciting to work with international scholars who are so engaged in family life education within their home countries!   This edited book is a first of its kind and highlights family life education efforts in 20+ countries around the world.  Our book provides an analysis of the current state of family life education in each of the geographic areas. We were fortunate to partner with chapter authors who all had direct connection with the country they wrote about.  


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