Design 4 Disability


Design for disability is the inaugural theme for prevention science. The purpose behind design for disability is to create an inclusive environment for differently abled individuals. SUMMARY here.



D4D Updates

The Design4Disability initiative’s work continues – here are a few updates.

Kinesiology chair JK Yun is working with assistant professor of geography Yoo Min Park on a project that includes mapping accessibility on campus.

Students in engineering have been working on a product design project with D4D and alumna Judy Byrd to develop portable field “walls” for blind youth soccer programs that will help keep the ball in play.

The recreational therapy program developed a virtual summer camp for children with disabilities that also served as an internship for graduating seniors whose spring placements had been disrupted by the pandemic.

And in an extension of the spring’s film festival, as we turned to virtual gatherings, HHP hosted a Netflix party screening of the acclaimed documentary “Crip Camp.”

Past Events & Publications

Pee Dee’s Sensory Room, February 2020

D4D Film Festival Reactions

D4D Film Festival, February 2020

Kickball Kickoff, Fall 2019