Sheets sent to community center

Faculty, students come together, donate to Crossroads Community Center for holidays


Darian Battle was the deliverer of 77 sheet sets to the Crossroads Community Center, which is located on Manhattan Avenue in Greenville. The center serves the homeless and those at risk of homelessness.

Donations by faculty and students were gathered within HHP’s Department of Health Education and Promotion in order to provide sheets to the center.

ECU student Darian Battle, left, delivers sheets to the Crossroads Community Center. 

Battle is president of the Preconception Educating Pirates program and is graduating this semester. Various faculty members led efforts to donate prior to prepping Battle for the Dec. 7 delivery as temperatures are dropping and during this holiday season.

“We have an incredibly generous faculty,” HEP Chair and Associate Professor Dr. Michele Wallen wrote in a recent department newsletter. “Thanks to all who contributed to this effort.”

The center lists its capacity as capable of housing a total of 98 residents.

A PEP squad flyer about the fundraiser included the following statement: Community Crossroads was hit extremely hard by COVID-19. … PEP squad wanted to be able to give back to them during the holiday season this year and would love your help being able to help them!

Sheets were collected at the Carol Belk Building in PEP Squad adviser Kelli Russell’s office.

Since being chartered in 1987, services of Community Crossroads Center have included temporary housing, meals and supportive services. The center’s stated goal is to empower residents so they can find or maintain employment and permanent housing.

The Community Crossroads Center also is dependent on the generosity of community members. Its website states donations from private individuals and groups comprises approximately 80% of its annual budget.



College of Health and Human Performance faculty members: Alice Richman, Dewey Pickett, Sue Raedeke, Paige Irons, Jennifer Matthews, Rose Haddock, Julie Kulas, Craig Becker, Brian Cavanaugh, Kelli Russell, Ryan Martin, Kate Egan, Eric Soule.