Jordan earns ACA national award

East Carolina University’s Dr. Deb Jordan was named as a National Honor Award winner by the American Camp Association.

Deb Jordan headshot with biography text.

Dr. Deb Jordan earned the National Honor Award from the ACA.

Jordan is a professor in the Department of Recreation Sciences and past camp director before finishing her doctorate at Indiana University.

The ACA announces the National Honor Award “to recognize meritorious service by an ACA member or former member for noteworthy contributions to the advancement of camp through leadership and industry.”

In addition to her teaching, research and past camp experience, Jordan has been an active member of ACA for expertise such as research and program evaluations on camps. She recently co-chair the national body of the ACA research symposium and is a leader in the ACA Southeastern Region Section. She is currently performing evaluation and research on Camp Corral in Raleigh.