WNCT feature: Farmworker research progresses for safety

Dr. Joseph Lee and other team members completed a 1,034-person survey of farmworkers in North Carolina and results were presented recently to the Association of American Pesticide Control Officials in Washington, D.C.

Some of their latest research in internet access is relevant directly to QR codes and Spanish language pesticide labels, and as Lee said, the information farmworkers need to be safe in their jobs. This was featured and aired by WNCT and remains available online. 

Lee is a professor in the Department of Health Education and Promotion and HHP’s associate dean for research. He has worked with HHP colleague Dr. Leslie Cofie and Roger Russell, the associate director of Laupus Health Sciences Library, and other librarians and researchers for the research project funded by a nearly $750,000 Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant to assess migrant and seasonal farmworkers’ literacy and access to broadband service and devices.