Students demonstrate fitness equipment for Cypress Landing

ECU student Alison Klein describes how to use lower body equipment at Cypress Landing Fitness Center. (Capture from YouTube video)
The East Carolina University College of Health and Human Performance and Cypress Landing celebrate a collaboration that has produced useful and helpful video instructions for Cypress Landing Fitness Center users.
These new “getting started” videos feature HHP students Joseph Ratte and Alison Klein as demonstrators of fitness center equipment. They can be viewed near the bottom of the Cypress Landing Fitness Center webpage.
Lisa Frederickson, teaching instructor and program coordinator for the Bachelor of Science in exercise physiology in the Department of Kinesiology, was contacted by the Cypress Landing fitness committee to explore how students could demonstrate the proper use of equipment. Jeff Gould, a Cypress Landing resident, was the videographer.
Gene Eakes represented the Cypress Landing fitness committee in describing the collaboration as a success and win-win for all involved.
“The video project was designed to provide (CL owners) with the tools they need to be safe and successful in their endeavors,” Eakes wrote in a message. “Lisa worked tirelessly with us to identify students for the demonstration videos and to facilitate their involvement. The students, Joseph Ratte and Alison Klein, were delightful to work with and quite professional, a testimony to the quality of your educational processes. Moreover, it is apparent that you and members of (HHP) recognize the value of experiential learning and, in doing so, generously share your expertise to improve the health and wellbeing of the larger community.”

ECU student Joseph Ratte demonstrates equipment at Cypress Landing Fitness Center. (Capture from YouTube video)