Date to know: Jan. 19 strategic partnerships forum
Please join the East Carolina University College of Health and Human Performance and the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships for an event that will elucidate the ways researchers and state agencies can form fruitful partnerships, including pathways for establishing partnerships and the means for overcoming challenges that may be encountered. All are welcome, including students!

The ECU College of Health and Human Performance and the the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships are hosting “Building Partnerships with State Agencies to Deliver on Our Mission: A Forum with the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships” on Jan. 19.
Building Partnerships with State Agencies to Deliver on Our Mission: A Forum with the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships
Date: January 19th, 2024
Time: 10– 11:30 a.m.
Location: Main Campus Student Center Room 249
This forum will include representatives from the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships and select state agencies. Included in the program:
- Opening remarks by Dr. Sharon Paynter, Acting Chief Research and Engagement Officer.
- Lightning talks highlighting successful ECU partnerships with state agencies.
- A presentation by Jenni Owen, Director of the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships, on the pathways and best practices for engaging with state agencies.
- Opportunities for networking with faculty with established state agency partnerships.
- An overview of special considerations for state grants, from Dr. Deborah Lundin, Director of Pre-Award Services.
The event is organized by the College of Health & Human Performance and co-sponsored by:
ECU Academic Library Services
ECU College of Allied Health Sciences
ECU College of Education
ECU College of Nursing
ECU Laupus Health Sciences Library
North Carolina Agromedicine Institute
ECU Research, Economic Development and Engagement
ECU Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences
Individuals requesting accommodation under the Americans with Health Disabilities Act (ADA) should contact the ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the event at 252-737-1018 or