Alumni Spotlight: Mallory Savidge

Name: Mallory Savidge

Degree & Graduation Year: Bachelor of Social Work class of 2019. Master of Social Work class of 2020. After graduation, I obtained my LCSW.

What brought you to ECU? I have been a Pirate at heart since I can first remember. From wearing my ECU cheerleading Halloween costume as a little girl to attending football games at Dowdy-Ficklen (Stadium) every fall with my family, becoming an ECU alum myself was destined to happen. I fell in love with the atmosphere and how loyal and proud Pirate fans are.

What is your favorite aspect of Social Work? There are so many reasons why I love this profession, but most of all is getting to connect with and support various individuals and families who are most vulnerable. Social Work provides limitless opportunities, all of which focus on making a positive difference, which as we all know, is extremely necessary. Each day is not just a job, it is a passion, and strong desire and commitment to enhance the lives and communities of others.

What is a typical day like for you with your current role/employer? I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and serve as a trauma-based mental health therapist at a Children’s Advocacy Center. I incorporate therapeutic interventions in an outpatient counseling setting for children and families who have experienced significant abuse, neglect or trauma. When I am not seeing patients directly, I am working on documentation, phone calls, case management/coordination and you know just all the other fun things that come with being a therapist!

Tell us about your ECU and College of Health and Human Performance experience: I couldn’t have loved my time more at ECU in the College of Health and Human Performance, pursuing both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work (well despite the occasional college student mini breakdowns haha). I truly embraced the whole experience by building close bonds with my classmates, utilizing my incredible professors for encouragement, guidance and support, and becoming extremely involved in extracurricular activities, which opened new doors and opportunities for me.

Do you have any words of advice for prospective and/or currents students? I think I could write an entire book for this answer, but I will do my best to keep it short. First off, I want to remind every student in the social work program, that they chose this major for a reason. Don’t lose sight of that reason and purpose because that will keep you motivated and going. This career is NOT for the weak, but I promise it is the most humbling and rewarding profession you could ever imagine. Additionally, try your best to start professionally networking and building connections early on. You never know when those people could be wonderful resources to broaden your horizons. Lastly, please take care of yourself! Giving yourself breaks and time for fun is crucial to help manage stress and keep your energy and peace.

Anything else you’d like to share about yourself or your passion for Social Work? Once exploring my specific area of interest, which was working with traumatized children, I did everything possible to become more knowledgeable. I took big and sometimes nerve-racking and uncomfortable strides, to eventually reach my goal and get to work at an agency of my dreams. Although days can be really challenging, I try to look for the good in every day, even the tiny progress and sprinkles of hope count for something huge. I may be helping and teaching my patients, but I truly believe it is the other way around. The lives I’ve encountered during this journey have made me a better person and so much more appreciative for this precious thing we call life. The children and families I serve will forever have the greatest impact on me and for that, I am beyond grateful.