Banner year for Army ROTC commissioning

A commissioning ceremony in December served as a significant milestone in what is projected to be a record-breaking school year for the ECU Army ROTC program.

The December ceremony saw 11 graduates take the commissioned officer oath, earning the rank of second lieutenant.  Here are the officers, their major and branch of duty: Devonte Covington – Political Science, active duty quartermaster; Shane Harkins – Management, National Guard TBD (aviation); Joshua Harris – Information & Computer Technology, National Guard cyber;  Miriam Hewett – History & Philosophy, active duty quartermaster; Kevin Jackmore – Nursing, U.S. Army Reserves nurse; Sean Kelley – Psychology, active duty infantry; Joseph Legg – master’s in Criminal Justice, active duty military police; Owen McGeary – Construction Management, active duty engineer; Joshua Robinson – Management, active duty adjutant general branch detailed chemical; Logan Shoffner – Industrial Engineering Technology, active duty infantry; Dawson Vargo – Criminal Justice, active duty field artillery.

“This group of leaders has made an impact on the Pirate Battalion and will go on to make huge impacts in their future units, the Army and the country,” Lt. Col. Josh Aeschliman said.

May’s commissioning ceremony is scheduled to include even more officers, creating a program-best annual total of second lieutenants.

“ECU Army ROTC is proud to commission the first 11 of a projected, record-breaking 36 second lieutenants this school year.  The program is growing in numbers and strength,” Aeschliman said.

Retired Maj. Gen. George Higgins served as guest speaker. Higgins, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, and began his military career by attending basic training in Fort Benning, Ga., as a 1967 high school graduate, served more than 37 years on active duty. His military decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal (OLC), Defense Superior Service Medal (OLC), Legion of Merit (2 OLC) and Bronze Star Medal.

Aeschliman also said the Pirate Battalion is looking forward to the spring semester and preparing 40 juniors to attend cadet summer training at Ft. Knox, Ky.